However slim the difference in the vote, the majority hath spoken! What has the majority said?
Most of us . . .
. . . want to keep the Affordable Health Care Act
. . . believe in an individual's right to choose -- what we do with our own bodies, whom we love and marry, as well as other specific individual decisions
. . . trust the President more than the dissidents
. . . do not want the radical religious right changing our laws
. . . prefer a moderate to liberal approach right now
. . . are not impressed by scare tactics
. . . believe more in large government than small government
. . . can discern who lies the most
. . . disdain of political posturing
. . . want public education
. . . do not want vouchers or their clones
. . . want to preserve Social Security and Medicare
. . . believe in helping the poor
. . . want the rich to pay their fair share
. . . like that "hopey changey" stuff
Bring it on!!!
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