There is a movement afoot to turn California into several states. Per the admission of one man interviewed on television, it is so money in the wealthier areas would stay there to educate their children -- not everyone.
The State of Kansas is about to pass a law allowing wealthier residents to receive a tax break if they make generous donations to private schools. At the same time they plan to take money from less fortunate students.
Once again, our wealthy Americans are about to shoot themselves in the foot just like they did when they outsourced jobs and underpaid their help. You remember, they sent all of their money to countries across the globe so that they had few customers here who could afford their products. Hence, we almost lost our automobile businesses and our banks were going under because they had sold houses people could not afford. Then, the poor taxpayers, who are so disliked by these big business individuals, had to bail their sorry behinds out of debt and do our part to restore the United States to solvency.
There is definitely a war between the classes now, and the majority of the people and their children, grandchildren and great grands are going to lose. Why? Because too many people do not research and vote for individuals who have the wellbeing of all Americans at heart. They vote for individuals who spout platitudes such as tax reform. Who wouldn't like lower taxes? But at the expense of what -- roads, bridges, schools, public education, everything that has always represented the American way?
They even vote for people who tell lies with the intent to scare the crap right out of everyone. They vote for individuals who are destructive, not constructive.
It's the me, me, me attitude all over again. God bless me and mine and to the devil with you and yours. They don't even seem shy about how they feel. They feel entitled about it. But it is not just the disrespected poor that are going to be hurt by this attitude. The whole country will be affected if we permit our politicians to continue to favor the wealthy and ignore the majority. (Let me stress at this point that unless you are a multimillionaire or billionaire, you are among the 99 per cent with the rest of us). So, I am speaking to most Americans.
Yes, one per cent of the population is said to hold all the wealth. How many of their children are there to be educated to rule us all? Many of the children of the other ninety-nine per cent are going to be lawyers, doctors, mayors, governors, and maybe even congressmen and presidents. Do we want them to be uneducated and/or ignorant? Well just how many generations of undereducated people would it take before ignoramuses were running everything? Not many, would it? And they would congregate at the local and state levels before they became national leaders. Then, how many people would believe in state controlled legislation?
Free, excellent, public education is not just for the poor. It is for the rich as well. It is to give us all better educated leaders and more focused thinkers to bring better lives across our country.
We reap what we sow. That is Biblical, is it not? These days we are in danger of sowing weeds instead of wisdom. That is because we place too much trust in people who know how to earn money. Knowing how to collect and store wealth is just one way to be intelligent. People don't always excel in all ways available. We overvalue money as a symbol of success. We overvalue those who can earn it as well.
Majority still rules in the United States. Let's make sure majority rule takes care of the majority before it is too late.
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